Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wednesday May 31st 1939

Played in garden. Children's Hour "Claws of Africa" & "Sensation in Swanhaven" No. 2.

Tuesday May 30th 1939

Aunt Alice came to see us. Children's Hour "Alice in Wonderland" story E1. Results of comp. & The Farmer.

Monday May 29th 1939

Had rest day. Children's Hour - The Merry Makers concert party & The Zoo Man.

Sunday May 28th 1939

Stayed home, wrote letter to Joan and editor of "Girls' Crystal".

Saturday May 27th 1939

Went to see Grandad. Children's Hour "Cryes of Old London" and "Hilltops of Britain" No. 6 South Down.

Friday May 26th 1939

Had first "Girls' Crstyl" today. Children's Hour "The Pheonix and the Carpet" music and story from Ireland.

Thursday May 25th 1939

Broke up today. Children's Hour - Variety and "Out with Oswald" and new serial Treasure hunt in Skye.

Wednesday May 24th 1939

Went in the woods with school at Swanham. Children's Hour "Claws of Africa" & new serial "Sensation".

Tuesday May 23rd 1939

Break up this week. Children's Hour - Danish Singing from Denmark.

Monday May 22nd 1939

Went to school. Pam & I took the dogs out. Children's Hour "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".

Sunday May 21st 1939

Went to Buncle's. Took Flossie for a walk. Have two calfs born.

Saturday May 20th 1939

Finished my screen. Children's Hour "The Five-o'clock Follies" & Out with Romany.

Friday May 19th 1939

Did my screen and gardening. Children's Hour "The Pheonix & the Carpet" & The Merry Month of May, "World Affairs".

Thursday May 18th 1939

Assenition [sic] Day so it's a holiday. "Children's Hour" Stcoth (?) singing & Snostone Serial the end E4.

Wednesday May 17th 1939

Did my fire screen. "Children's Hour" "Claws of Africa" piano solos by Cathy David & Nobby Clark.

Tuesday May 16th 1939

Stayed home again. "Children's Hour" "The Tin Soldier" read by Rose, Variety & "The Star Gazer"

Monday May 15th 1939

Stayed home because of cold. "Children's Hour" competition, ToyTown and The Zoo Man.